Wishing For...

I am constantly saying to my husband... " Just let me daydream about this ". Josh is a financial worry- wart. ( right now anyway... but things won't always be tight ) He is very smart with our money and we are both aware of the importance of keeping a budget ( which my Grandma Laney told me years ago, EVERYONE should do ) He is a LOT better with money then I am. And he is making good investments and decisions for our future. BUT... when I say " I wish I had "... he doesn't hear that. He automatically thinks I have just said " I'm going to go out right this second and buy this" Not the case. I'm a pretty simple girl. It doesn't take much to make me happy. But one thing that does make me happy is working on my crafts. Lately I have been " Wishing " for a sewing machine. Do I sew ? Not really. I took a class in the 8th grade and made a hideous purple sweatshirt that was so long it could have been worn as a dress. But... I love to play around with things and be creative that way. ( plus if you have a pattern.. how hard can it be. As long as I have one of those needle things that take out the seams I just messed up on !! ) I would love to make quilts ( to which I have the easiest set of instructions on how to do ), baby blankets, pillows, cute aprons.. whatever. I just want to SEW !! I look quite regularly at one of my favorite websites that has the most gorgeous patterns. http://www.ciaspalette.com/index.html. Also, I love Amy Butler's Designs. Look at these cute ideas and patterns http://www.amybutlerdesign.com/products/patterns_top.php . This book would be a great way to start my sewing adventures. ( I hope... luckily my mother-in-law is a wiz on the sewing machine and would love to spend hours with me working on projects )

So... when I say " I wish ".. it doesn't necessarily mean I need or want it RIGHT NOW... ( but it does mean eventually ( Insert smiley face here )
