McCall, Idaho
Well, I finally downloaded our photos from McCall but I was disappointed by the fact that I didn't take very many pictures. Usually my cousin Kelly is in charge of doing the family CD, but she is studying abroad in New Zealand. Oh well, at least I got a few good shots of everyone. Here are some of my favorites.
It was a great time and it was much needed time off for both Josh and myself. It was so nice to see everyone. And although it wasn't as big a turn out as three years ago, it was still a great time. My dad has some great siblings. I think my favorite part was spending time in the kitchen cooking w/ all the women. The food we had was so amazing ! Here's just a few of the menu items: red snapper, mahi mahi, deep fried turkey, Josh's stuff banana peppers, pork loin, tons of veggies from our garden, steaks, twice baked potatoes, Nick's awesome homemade rolls, great desserts... and the list goes on and on. Josh's favorite part was playing in the lake w/ Ryan and Tyler. He loved those kids :) Other fun things we did: went to the the beach, boating, dinner on the lake at Monty and Natalie's house ( Brenda's mom and step dad ) the guys went golfing, shopped and lots of relaxing :) Well done Kramer family, well done !! Oh and I can't forget darling little Sage. He is Kevin and Brenda's dog. And speaking of darling, their three kids are amazing. I'm sure they have their moments ( according to Kevin) but those two boys are so well behaved and well mannered. And little Sophie is too cute and definitely the only girl :) Ryan and Tyler are going to be major heart breakers when they are older ) It was great having us all together !! Thanks for the memories everyone... We love you !!