Natural Highs...

I feel like I've been walking around lately on a cloud. Every day I think of more and more reasons why I'm so happy and how much in my life I have to be grateful for. ( I just ended that sentence w/ a preposition. Shame on ME ). And then I started thinking about natural highs and how great they feel, so I figured I'd jot some down.
1. driving home after waiting all day to see the person you love 2. looking at all the jars of fresh fruit you just canned sitting on the counter 3. looking at a newly developed roll of film for the fist time 4. realizing, once again, how much you love your husband 5. finding out you're having a BABY 6. being surprised 7. receiving a hand written letter in the mail from someone you care about 8. Having my gorgeous little nephew Brennon run and jump in my arms when he sees me coming 9. giving unconditional love to someone 10. knowing that YOU are loved unconditionally 11. butterflies in your stomach 12. laughing at an inside joke 13. trusting someone w/out question 14. craft projects 15. the smell of a homemade candle in your kitchen 16. the weather finally turning warm enough to wear flip flops 17. working through a problem 18. learning something new 19. The last bite of an ice cream cone 20. reading a great book 21. Hearing a song that reminds you of a happy time 22. smelling your husbands neck after he puts on Cologne 23. feeling your little baby move in your belly for the fist time 24. laying in the sun 25. a passionate kiss 26. getting off the plane and seeing someone who makes you smile so big 27. Hearing someone tell you that you are beautiful 28. Saving letters your Grandma and Grandpa wrote you 29. lying in a hammock 30. The moment you realize you're in love 31. cooking a great meal that everyone raves about 32. Ordering great take out from your favorite Chinese hole in the wall 33. Watching your flowers finally come up and bloom 34. the smell of freshly cut grass in the summer heat 35. a relaxing night laughing w/ friends
I could go on and on, but you get the drift... Life is so good and I know I'm walking around w/ a stupid grin on my face these days :)
