McCall, Idaho

We have 4 weeks until our highly anticipated vacation to McCall for the Kramer family reunion. Unfortunately, not as many family members will be able to attend as the last one, but it will still be a great get together with amazing food and even better company. I'm even more excited because there was some talk of cooking a lamb instead of a pig roast this year... Lamb.. YUM... I hope it wasn't just a rumor.

I'm so excited to go with Josh this year. There are still a few family members that have not met him yet and I know they will just love him. And... my husband needs a vacation in the worst way. He has been working so hard for us lately and I am very excited to see him just relax, eat some good food, relax, get some rest, be lazy, laugh, and enjoy himself. He deserves it !

It's funny to think that the last time we had the reunion was three years ago. Josh and I had just started dating, but I had planned ( before I met Josh ) to take my friend Abe with me. While we were there, every single relative asked me " why aren't you dating Abe, he's such a great guy "... and while that's very true, I told them I had just met someone and I was really excited to get to know him better. Well, here we are, three years later.. happily married... Good choice Deb !!
PS. By the way... nothing to do with McCall, but I finished our wedding album FINALLY. Close to a year late, but hey... it's done and it looks great. I bought a cool album that holds up to 260 photos, so we will be able to put some of our honeymoon pictures in there as well. It will be nice to have them all in one album.
