Today is Josh's birthday ! He is turning 31 (Yep, I've got myself a young fella ) So I thought I would jot down 31 fun facts about my husband on his special day. And lucky for me, I mean Josh... we are actually going to celebrate his birthday ON his birthday... not the following day. ( With the downpour of rain we are having (thank you, we need it so bad )he is not going to go get wood or if he does it will be earlier, so I can do his special dinner tonight.)

Hope you are having a great day sweets !!

1.He LOVES ice cream and does not feel guilty about eating it immediately after working out.2.He can be shy and has a nervous laugh sometimes 3.He is a VERY hard worker. 4.He is very patient and tolerant and rarely loses his temper. 5.People have told me he has the kindest looking eyes. 6. He is a wine connoisseur. 7.He loves the Northwest… everything about it… nothing else compares to it (see where I’m going with this...)8.He loves living a simple life 9.He loves to hold hands with his wife
10. He should apply for the Amazing Race w/ his friend Lofton… they would win for sure !! 11.He can not stand to look at Pres. Bush or hear his voice 12. He hates it when I “gossip” 13. He would rather hike and camp under the stars, then stay at a nice hotel and be pampered 14. He loves working for the Forest Service. It is his dream job (other then being an organic farmer or running his own vineyard: which before he dies, I’m sure he will have done both) 15. He is very strong physically 16. He ran track & Cross County in school and won a bunch of awards 17. He is an excellent self- taught photographer 18. He double majored in Wilderness Management and Wildlife Biology and graduated from Washington State University in Pullman, WA.
19. He rarely misses a day of work (hence, the almost 6 HUNDRED hours of vacation time he has saved up... no joke people) 20. Josh is the canner in our family and stocks our food storage 21. He hates beets, pickling cucumbers, and eggplant, but plants them in our garden every year because he knows how much I love them 22. He is a WIZ with numbers and stats and has a photographic memory 23. He LOVES BBQ ribs after a long hike 24. It takes Josh for….evvvv……errrr….. to…. Get…. A….sentence…..out….when…. he’s…….tired 25. His dream vacation would be to New Zealand (we’ll get there one day honey) 26. He is a weather geek. He checks NOAA several times a day 27. Josh NEVER says anything bad about anyone (except Bush) 28. He will only eat his mom’s apple pie…nothing else is good enough…nothing else compares… see where I’m going with this 29. When he gets excited about something, he’ll start making up a song that ends in DO DA… DO DA… ie; “ I don’t have to work tomorrow DO DA DO DA “ 30. He worked on an organic farm for 8 years in WA. That experience helps make our gardens amazing !! 31. He can not wait to be a daddy


You are LOVED…. ‘specially by me…


Carolyn Hansen said…
Are you the cutest wife or what? I love how you talk about Josh. So darn cute!
Mari said…
This is a nice tribute to Josh. Hope you two have a nice celebration. Happy Birthday, Josh!
Kari said…
What a wonderful list! Guess I better start coming up with 35 things for Steve's birthday in a few weeks!!