Kid Nation
If you haven't seen this show CBS, you really should check it out with your kids. I was skeptical at first, but it has turned out to be such a darling show. Of course it's a "reality" show, and there are adults behind the scenes. These kids are never left completely alone. But when they do fend for themselves, it has really impressed me. These kids are so intelligent. Some of the things that come out of their mouths amaze me. Last nights episode was about bringing religion into the town. There are four town leaders and they discussed having all the kids get together and having services. Most of the kids didn't want to do it because there were so many different religions between all of them and they said the fact that so many people believe different things, it would only bring contentment to the town and they didn't want to argue. And that religion starts wars in other countries. So the kids rebelled and didn't show up for services. Then later that night, a girl named Morgan went around to all the bunks and said "if you want to come you can, but we are just going to gather around the fire and say some "prayers". They all agreed because they didn't feel forced. At the bonfire, several of the kids said prayers. One kid was Christian, the other one was Jewish and a few others. I was so impressed. I just think it's the cutest show. Most of the kids are so adorable and really hard workers. It's on Wednesday nights, so check it out. It's really cute !! Here are some pictures of my favorite kids...