Being Prepared...
I grew up knowing how important food storage was. My grandma has a whole extra room in her basement with shelves JUST for this purpose. So when I noticed the economy getting worse and worse, I mentioned to Josh that we really needed to stock up on our food storage. We've always had "extra" food in the cupboards, but when it came to actual food storage, one that would make my grandma proud, we were lacking. Well, Josh has totally taken my plea to heart. He is obsessed with case sales, and buying even more then usual at Costco. The church has always stressed the importance of it and now that I have my own family to think about. It has become something we are striving to achieve. Especially now when times are uncertain. No matter who gets into the white house come November (and my stance is pretty well known), it's going to take years to overcome the damage that has been done. Not just months, but years.
I love to look at our cellar and cupboards and see cans and boxes full of food. Jars that we ourselves have slaved over canning full of homemade applesauce, and peaches and pears. Pickles made from the cucumbers that came from our own organic garden. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that if something terrible happened, we could survive for awhile. There are still many things to acquire to reach our goal. But we are getting there. I'm also really wanting to get our 72 hour Emergency Kits going and our Car Emergency Kit done. All of this is stuff we should have all the time, but when life gets busy, it's easy to forget that there may be a time when we need all this.
I found a cool website the other day all about Food Storage. This girl is totally prepared and full of information. Hopefully it links to it because it's really helpful. But if not, just cut and paste it into the browser. And good luck on your food storage. We've been warned right ?