Amazing Resemblance...

Josh's mom brought with her some pictures of Josh and Jeremiah when they were kids. I can't believe how much Jeremiah's kids look like he did as a little boy..and how much Noah looks like his daddy too. (Jeremiah, I took a picture of Eli from your pictures. Hope you don't mind and the one of Abigail is from our wedding. Although she looks totally different now with her brown hair). Here are some pictures of me when I was a baby. Sorry they are sideways, I can't get them turned correctly.

Who do you think Noah looks like ?

Does Noah look like mommy at ALL people ?

Look at my cute little this picture

Abigail is certainly her daddy's little girl. They look identical. And can you see a resemblance with Noah and Josh already ? I can

Eli really looks like Jeremiah in this one


