My Dream Date...
Do you remember the movie "The Wedding Planner" ? Remember the scene where they are at the park and the old movies are playing and people are eating and dancing ? That is my Dream Date. I honestly think I should have been a young adult in the 40's or 50's because I love the music from that era. On our TV, we have the satellite radio where they play songs from the 40's, 50's, 60's, etc... This morning Josh and I woke up early for a Saturday and neither one of us wanted the clamoring noise of the TV so early, so I turned to the "TV station" that had hit songs from the 1940's. I loved it... Josh did not. He goes nuts in the house when I play all my French music and "old stuff" as he calls it. He actually said "Is the war over?" (trying to be funny as if referencing my choice of music to the World War 2 era). But I had a lovely morning, sitting on the couch listening to the music as I read my book. They even have old radio broad castings from THOSE days. I looked at the title of one I heard and it was today's date...April 26...only 65 years ago. They were talking about the war and how a plane went down. It was so amazing to hear. Anyway... I would love to have a date night and go sit in a park, where there is a big movie screen with old movies playing and having food served to us, or just bring a picnic, occasionally gazing up into the vast sea of darkness and sparkles in the sky. Getting up to slow dance with my sweets when a sappy love song came on. I know... I'm weird ! I was born in the 70's (and I do love music from that time frame as well. It reminds me of being a kid. James Taylor, Carol King...) but I guess it's the romantic in me that loves the old stuff so much.