A Simple Christmas..

As I sit here watching our Little House on the Prairie Christmas DVD's w/ Noah, I'm reminded of how simple things used to be. And should be...even today. I know times have changed, but I miss the simplicity. I have always told Josh when our kids are big enough to really understand, I want to do four Christmas gifts for each of them. And only four.

1. Something to read (I am big on books and my kids will get new books every b-day and Christmas)
2. Something you need
3. Something to wear
4. Something you want

I realize, it may be hard to stick to that plan. The Grandparents always go crazy with the gifts for the kids. My parents, as of right now, only have 4 grandsons. Brennon, Noah, Liam and Finn. So buying little things here and there add up quickly for each of them. But, as parents, Josh and I can work hard to not spoil them, in the sense that they expect the undercarriage of the tree to be filled w/ wrapped presents every year. I want them to know and understand what Christmas is truly about. My mom bought Noah the cutest little Christmas book last year. It asks questions like " Is Christmas about the presents, or the cookies mommy makes, or the cards she sends out every year, or the Christmas plays we never miss... etc... then goes on to talk about " no... all those things are nice, but the true meaning of Christmas is the birth of our Savior ". Every time I pull it out, or show Noah the nativity scene on the table, he says in his sweet little voice " Baby Jesus ", and my heart just melts. Children are so precious and so innocent.

I look up in our loft and see all the presents that I have wrapped. It's like Santa's work shop up there. There are so many ! And while I'm so grateful that my husband works so hard so that we can give so much, it just makes me want to do my 4 gift idea that much more. I strive to live a simple life. To make my house cozy and beautiful w/ simple decor. Full of books and candles, and pictures of our family. Memories !! That is what makes a home a home. Not "stuff"(in my opinion). The other day Josh and I wrote down on paper some of the things we love about each other. One of his for me was, that I work so hard to create and keep memories for our family. Noah and Liam's baby books are are bursting at the seams. Our walls are filled w/ pictures. The bookshelf is lined with photo albums full of our trips, and babies being born, and family get togethers. I treasure my pictures so much. I want my kids to look back on them and remember all the fun things we did as a family. To remember that their mom and dad loved them so much that we wanted to give them a good life. Full of memories :) I pray I'm doing that for them.

It has been so fun this year to see Noah 'get it' just a little bit more. He gets so excited about Santa and Rudolf and the Christmas tree and lights. Again, that is only part of Christmas, but for a little boy like him, he deserves to have that joy in his eyes. All children do. And even though I want to focus on the four gifts and the true meaning of Christmas, I want Noah and Liam to BELIEVE for as long as they can. As long as they can still hear that bell ringing, they can believe in the magic !!

  (photo of Noah putting his Polar Express "Bell" on the tree)


Lindsey Marie said…
Love the four gifts idea!